I would like to introduce you to an extract from my projects
Cesium Terrain Converter
Virtual City Systems
In this software, elevation data from raster, TIN, Collada and Multipatch data is converted into the Cesium TMS format. So that the terrain data can be loaded into the browser as quickly as possible.
It is possible to cover the whole world with any desired spatial resolution.
Complex breaklines and polygons can be calculated into the terrain in order to refine the terrain and achieve beautiful lighting effects.
It will soon be possible to add new terrain data to existing ones. The advantage is that not all data always has to be recalculated, which saves a lot of time. And of course that the new data - mostly higher-resolution terrain data - are automatically calculated into the existing terrain. Without the user having to worry about it.
C++, GDAL, Proj, OpenMesh, GeographicLib, Boost
Viewer for oblique aerial images
Virtual City Systems
For the viewer, oblique aerial images are prepared so that they can be displayed and analyzed in the browser. For example, measuring in the images using the orientation parameters of the images.
By moving the images, the neighboring images are loaded.
In order to load the images quickly and effectively, the images are prepared as a tile structure.
Forest Forward
WWF Germany | Space + Science Team
In this project, which is just starting, a web GIS application is being developed. This application informs the WWF team about deforestation and other forest factors.
There is a secure login system to log into the ArcGIS online system of the WWF for specified users. To unlock and analyze protected data.
The highlight so far is a heat map for a better view of large and dense point data. Furthermore, the links to the metadata were extracted from the layers and included in the layer view as a clickable symbol. There is also a global forest fragmentation analysis tool that is used to analyze the distribution of the forest.
It is also planned to develop one central application in which any layer for any desired region can be loaded. As well as specific widgets that can be activated and used as required for the respective regions. Similar to ArcMap or QGIS only for the web with special functions that are tailored to the needs and wishes of the WWF team.
ArcGIS API for JavaScript, JavaScript, HTML, CSS

Web GIS applications
Telekom GmbH
Free University of Berlin
As a small business owner - during my studies - I developed several web GIS applications for the Telekom and the Free University of Berlin.
In these applications, users could query and analyze data in addition to the typical map functions such as zooming, moving and measuring. On the one hand, predefined queries could be used. On the other hand, it was possible to create complex queries in the application and to send them to the database.
Furthermore, the users had the possibility to edit the data - delete, add and edit.
The applications could only be opened via a login in order to protect the data.
ArcGIS API for JavaScript, ArcGISServer .Net, ArcGIS Server, JavaScript, jQuery, Dojo, HTML, CSS, PHP, PostgreSQL/PostGIS
3D view planning for UAVs
In this application, a view planning is achieved for UAVs. For example, to be able to reconstruct buildings digitally in 3D.
At first possible cameras are positioned.
Then gradually, overlapping images are selected with which the buildings can be digitally reconstructed with a selected resolution.
In the end, a heuristic is used to create a path for the aerial vehicle. A file for pair-wise matching is also created. This can be used in some 3D reconstruction software to effectively support the matching process.